IONIA’s proprietary Analog Deep Learning (ADP) technology extracts immensely superior computational performance at a low power-efficiency compared to digital systems. Our goal is to research, develop, and deliver the highest level of Operations Per Second Per Watt (OPS/W) output of any chip by running On-Site-Computation (OSC) on the systems’ edge versus remotely in the cloud. 

We aim not to disrupt the current AI flow into the cloud, but to replenish the inefficient AI processing at the system’s edge. With the increased dependency on internet-connected applications, global digitalization, 

and amplified adaptation of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), the utilization of our ADP technology utilized at the OSC level (point of data acquisition) will allow devices to perform complex ML and AI tasks internally without the reliance to relay information to the cloud.Our ADP technology at the OSC level provides the most competitive and cost-effective analog computation, with low noise levels and a low power consumption rate. Our technology allows for sensors at the system’s edge to advance at a higher rate, systems that are utilized in self-driving cars, automated aeronautics, computerized security systems, smart cities/homes, and artificial/virtual reality segments of the industry.